Campaign Breathing for you

In video lectures, healthcare professionals talk about the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer, as well as side effects and ways to alleviate or resolve them. In online workshops, physiotherapists present proper breathing techniques to preserve and improve lung function, while campaign ambassadors from various fields of activity, from top athletes and Olympians to opera singers, explain how important proper breathing is in achieving top results.

Zagreb, September 8, 2020. In order to educate and inform patients and the general public, the Lung Cancer Association “Jedra” together with the Coalition of Healthcare Associations, as part of its parent and global initiative “Let’s Talk About Lung Cancer”, is launching the online educational campaign “I Breathe for You”. The campaign will last on the Association’s digital platforms until November 30, 2020, when Lung Cancer Month ends. The emphasis is on education on proper breathing as an important part of preserving lung health and improving lung function during the disease, as well as on video lectures by leading health professionals from the Jordanovac Lung Disease Clinic for lung cancer patients and their families. The goal is to highlight the importance of proper breathing as one of the prerequisites for healthy lungs, but also for the general condition of the body. Breathing is the most important life process of the human body, and most adults breathe irregularly. Irregular breathing is incomplete and shallow, only 30-40 percent of lung capacity is used, breaths are increasingly shallow and shorter, and lung capacity is decreasing. Proper breathing contributes to lung health and is extremely important for lung cancer patients, and proper breathing techniques are taught.

Therefore, during the campaign, the general public will be educated through video workshops on proper breathing techniques for the purpose of health prevention and preservation of lung health. Specifically, through video workshops, physiotherapists from the Jordanovac Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases are educating lung cancer patients on proper breathing techniques for the purpose of preserving lung function during the disease. The intention is also to inform healthcare professionals about the existence of video workshops on the Association’s digital platforms in order to provide their patients with timely information and the possibility of video education “I Breathe for You”. As part of the campaign, workshops on proper breathing in accordance with epidemiological measures were also organized, as well as video lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, as well as possible side effects during treatment, and options for resolving or mitigating side effects. The video lectures are available on the digital platforms of the Jedra Association, so that lung cancer patients, their family members and the general public have the opportunity to listen directly to eminent Croatian healthcare experts in the field of lung cancer for the first time in Croatia.

Therefore, during the campaign, the general public will be educated through video workshops on proper breathing techniques for the purpose of health prevention and preservation of lung health. Specifically, through video workshops, physiotherapists from the Jordanovac Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases educate lung cancer patients on proper breathing techniques for the purpose of preserving lung function during the disease. The intention is also to inform healthcare professionals about the existence of video workshops on the Association’s digital platforms in order to provide their patients with timely information and the possibility of video education “I Breathe for You”. As part of the Academician Dr. Miroslav Samaržija, head of the Jordanovac Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases at the University Hospital Center Zagreb, in his lecture “Latest advances in healthcare for lung cancer patients” in a very simple and understandable, but also encouraging way, he talks about significant advances in the diagnostics and treatment of lung cancer. In the video lecture “Immunotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer and new diagnostic methods”, the head of the Department of Lung and Mediastinal Tumors, Jordanovac Pulmonary Clinic prof. dr. sc. Marko Jakopović explains this latest method of treating lung cancer. “Targeted therapy in the treatment of lung cancer” is the title of the video lecture by ass. dr. sc. Sanja Pleština, head of the Rare Mediastinal Tumors Department, Jordanovac Pulmonary Clinic, and “Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer” is the lecture by prim. dr. sc. Marta Koršić, head of the Polyclinic at the Jordanovac Pulmonary Clinic.

In the video lecture “Managing Side Effects Caused by Chemotherapy Treatment”, nurse Ivana Lukić Franolić,, from the Day Hospital, Department of Lung and Mediastinal Tumors, Jordanovac Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases, talks in an extremely understandable way and in great detail about how to deal with side effects caused by chemotherapy. She gives very practical advice on how to ease and even prevent side effects during this difficult period, from diet to lifestyle. For example, she describes in detail what it is advisable to avoid in the diet, what types of foods to consume, how to regulate digestion and stool, and to stay in ventilated rooms. Workshops on proper breathing in accordance with epidemiological measures were also organized during the campaign, as well as video lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, as well as possible side effects during treatment, and options for resolving or mitigating side effects. Video lectures are available on the digital platforms of the Jedra Association, so that lung cancer patients, their family members, and the general public, for the first time in Croatia, have the opportunity to listen directly to eminent Croatian health experts in the field of lung cancer.

„Tekućinu piti gutljaj po gutljaj kako bi se izbjegla mučnina, izbjegavati slatko, jako začinjenu i zasoljenu te hranu intenzivnog mirisa. Odmarati u ugodnom položaju i okolini, boraviti u svježoj i prozračenoj, a nikako pregrijanoj i zagušljivoj prostoriji. Boravak na svježem zraku je dobrodošao“, istaknula je Ivana Lukić Franolić. 

„Upravljanje popratnim pojavama uzrokovanih primjenom ciljane terapije i imunoterapije“ tema je video predavanja predsjednice Udruge „Jedra“ Sandre Karabatić, magistre sestrinstva, PhD student, glavne sestre Zavoda za tumore pluća i sredoprsja, Klinike za plućne bolesti Jordanovac KBC-a Zagreb. Ciljana terapija ili kako je naši pacijenti nazivaju pametni lijekovi i imunoterapija ima drugačije popratne pojave od sistemskog kemoterapijskog liječenja, ali ih moramo biti svjesni kao i činjenice da danas poznajemo metode ublažavanja i rješavanja istih.

An integral part of the campaign is a series of video testimonials created in collaboration with people from different professional fields, for whom proper breathing is one of the prerequisites for their work.

Thus, the ambassadors of the Let’s Talk About Lung Cancer “I Breathe for You” campaign are an athlete and opera singer – Mario Vekić, a two-time rowing Olympian and personal fitness trainer, and Karla Mazzarolli, an opera singer. In singing and sports, proper breathing technique is extremely important. This is exactly what Mario Vekić talks about in the video, emphasizing the importance of proper breathing in professional sports and achieving fitness results, while young Karla Mazzarolli claims that without special proper breathing techniques, there is no opera singing. However, the people who make a difference and surprisingly push the boundaries are the founding members and participants of the Vioalmusic4all Project and the Deaf band Dlan, members of a project and rock band in which deaf people play, and they feel the rhythm through vibrations and control it through breathing.

The campaign will be implemented on the online platforms of the Jedra Association, its website and social networks, the Jedra Association Facebook page and Instagram profile with the hashtags #dišemzatebė and #rakpluca, and the Jedra Association YouTube channel. Along with partners the Croatian Thoracic Society and the Croatian National Nursing Association, the campaign was supported by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia.

Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases and the leading cause of death among all cancers in women and men, and according to EUROSTAT data, Croatia is among the five European countries with the worst survival rates from lung cancer. However, due to modern diagnostic and new treatment methods, we can talk about significant positive developments, while additional progress is expected after the introduction of a program for early detection of lung cancer. Good to know:
  • The average person can live for about three weeks without food, about three days without water, but only three minutes without oxygen.
  • The lungs are one of the main ways to eliminate impurities from the body.
  • Our lungs are able to expel about 250 types of waste products.
  • The normal number of respiratory cycles is 12 breaths/minute.
  • The volume of air inhaled in one breath is about 500 ml.
  • The minute respiratory volume, or the amount of air that passes through the lungs, is about 6 liters/min.
As part of the campaign, workshops on proper breathing in accordance with epidemiological measures were also organized, as well as video lectures for the purpose of educating the public and especially patients about lung cancer, diagnostics, treatment and side effects.
“Latest advances in healthcare for lung cancer patients” – Academician Dr. sc. Miroslav Samaržija, Head of the Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases Jordanovac KBC Zagreb
“Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer” – Prim. Dr. sc. Marta Koršić, Head of the Polyclinic at the Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases Jordanovac KBC Zagreb
“Targeted therapy in the treatment of lung cancer” – Assoc. Prof. Dr. sc. Sanja Pleština, Head of the Department for Rare Mediastinal Tumors, Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases Jordanovac KBC Zagreb
“Immunotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer and new diagnostic methods” – Prof. Dr. sc. Marko Jakopović, Head of the Department of Lung and Mediastinal Tumors, Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases Jordanovac KBC Zagreb
“Management of Side Effects Caused by Chemotherapy Treatment” – Ivana Lukić Franolić,, Day Hospital, Department of Lung and Mediastinal Tumors, Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases Jordanovac KBC Zagreb
“Management of Side Effects Caused by the Use of Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy” – Sandra Karabatić, Master of Nursing, PhD student, Head Nurse of the Department of Lung and Mediastinal Tumors, Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases Jordanovac KBC Zagreb
Thus, through video lectures, which will be available on the Jedra Association website, for the first time, lung cancer patients, their family members and the general public will have the opportunity to directly listen to lectures by eminent health experts in the field of lung cancer.