World Lung Health Day 2021.

The Croatian Association for Lung Cancer patients Jedra and Croatian House of Breathing presented public health campaign “Don’t worry” and digital communication platform

The Croatian Association for Lung Cancer patients Jedra and Croatian House of Breathing presented public health campaign “Don’t worry” and digital communication platform, as response to the needs of patients with lung cancer and other respiratory diseases, their caregivers and the professional public, with aim for simpler and easily accessible access to verified and concrete information in one place in healthcare sector. The campaign, along with the entire rich accompanying program, was presented on the occasion of World Lung Health Day, in Zagreb, Croatia, 25th September.

The main goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of the leading public health problem – the importance of informing patients with lung cancer and other diseases, but also to raise the health literacy of patients and their caregivers. In order to realize this, a digital communication platform was presented, which will serve as a central information point for patients, their family members and public. At the official presentation of the campaign, an expert panel discussed the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases; physical activity with an emphasis on proper breathing techniques and relaxation exercises.

“The knowledge that you have been diagnosed with cancer is certainly not pleasant and at that moment it will seem to you that the whole world has collapsed. There is no euphemism for cancer and one should not try to present it as something benign, and the realization that you have cancer is very difficult and you will need time to process it. But there are still tips that can make it easier for you”, Prof. Jakopović Marko, MD. Today, thanks to new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities, we can detect cancer and other respiratory diseases at the earliest possible stage, thus obtaining a cure or keeping the disease under control for a long time while preserving the quality of life. Additional, from October 2020. early screening for lung cancer started in Croatia and by now over 3.000 people underwent this program.

The panel was led by the president of the Jedra Association Mrs. Sandra Karabatić, MScN, BSN, RN, PhD student, who also emphasized the importance of the campaign: “With the campaign, we want to send a message to the patients and their caregivers not to worry, because with them is a team of experts that accompanies them on the path of illness, providing them with the best care and all necessary information”, explained by Mrs. Sandra Karabatić, president of the Jedra Association.

An installation in the form of a labyrinth was set up on in the center of main town Zagreb, in order to symbolically present the patient’s long and demanding pathway from suspicion to diagnosis and finally oncological treatment. Passers-by had the opportunity to go through the labyrinth and look for an exit, with and without instructions, and we measure the time of passage.

The intention was to show that, without clear instructions and expert responses, treatment times for patients can seem like a random search for a way out of the most complicated labyrinth. At the official introduction of the campaign, as part of organized workshops, all interested had the opportunity to learn the techniques of proper breathing and relaxation under the guidance of respiratory physiotherapist Mrs. Tanja Kit. In our campaign we had support from young persons, nursing students, each year they join us in all public health activities

The “Don’t worry” campaign, as well as the platform, represent a completely new integrated approach in informing patients about diagnosis, treatment, expected side effects, lifestyle with lung cancer and other lung diseases, diet, physical and work activities and support program during the treatment.  

“Autumn and winter will be dedicated to respiratory lung diseases, which will be reflected in the content on the platform In addition, Jedra Association plans to organize various webinars on the platform for healthcare professionals and patients, as well as advice from chefs for cancer patients through practical advices for patients”, Mrs. Sandra Karabatić, president of the Jedra Association.

World Lung Day is a day of advocacy and action, to unite and promote better healthy lungs globally.